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Sideline replay is a video system that lets football coaches and players watch instant replay on the sidelines in practice or during High School football games. Sideline replay systems like Reveal from Insight Replay, stream video replays over wi-fi to iPads and televisions on the sidelines and in the press box.
NFHS Football Rule 1612 covers Coaches’ Field Equipment, including communication equipment like iPads and other devices that can play video clips. In the 2014 NFHS Football Rules Book, Rule says
“Communication devices including but not limited to audio recorder, Local Area Network (LAN) phones and/or headsets, mobile phones, still photograph(s), film, analog or digital video(s) and/or Internet depictions may be used by coaches and nonplayers.”
NFHS Football Rule Coaches’ Field Equipment was changed in 2013 to permit the use of video during games. Check with your state association to see if it’s allowed where you play. NCAA rules do not permit the use of video during games.
The average 12-15 second clip is ready to watch in about 5 seconds.
Yes. Reveal lets you tag each clip and filter by tag. Setup your tags the way that makes sense to you and it will be easy to find the clips you need when you need them.
All video is saved to your computer. An entire season will fit easily on your laptop. After a game you can filter and export clips to a zip file. Reveal uses the time+date+event+tags to create unique, easy to read file names.
Yes, you should be able to use iPads in the endzone and on the far side of the field. iPads have pretty good built-in wifi antennas. With Reveal, iPads usually have a range of 100 to 150 yards from the base station. Smaller devices like iPhones and other smartphones have a shorter range of about 50 yards because they have smaller, less powerful built-in wifi antennas.
There are a lot of factors that can impact your wireless range. These include:
Physical obstructions like trees and buildings.
Topography – physical contours of the immediate area.
Interference from other radio frequency (RF) systems such as cell towers, other wifi networks, and emergency communications equipment.
To maximize the range of your system, it’s best to elevate the base station and keep clear line of sight to the main areas where you’ll be using iPads and tablets.
Wi-Fi antenna setup is important and can have a big impact system performance. Following are some key factors to keep in mind when setting up at venue.
- Make sure there is clear line of sight between the antenna and the area where you will be watching video.
- Open windows when you possible. Wi-Fi can go through glass, however reflective coatings and other factors may reduce your range.
- Keep your antenna away from other Wi-Fi and communications equipment.
- Reveal systems use 5GHz Wi-Fi equipment. 5GHz Wi-Fi does not go through walls and other objects as easily as 2.4GHz Wi-Fi.
- Antenna alignment – the Wi-Fi signal comes out in a from the front of the antenna in a 90 degree pattern. Right to left (horizontal alignment), picture a baseball field where home plate is the antenna. The strongest signal will be at 2nd base and the signal strength drops off quickly outside the 1st and 3rd base lines. Up and down (vertical alignment), the Wi-Fi is a fairly narrow wedge, so it’s important to tilt towards your bench / sideline. See the pictures below for examples.

The Reveal Football App is the iPad and iPhone app coaches use on the sidelines during games. You can install Reveal Football on your iPhone or iPad to watch clips and tag clips.
How to setup the Reveal REC App. Reveal REC allows you to capture and tag video in real-time.
RevealCam is a camera app for the iPhone and iPad. With RevealCam you can easily shoot video, tag clips, and instantly upload to Reveal using your iPhone or iPad.
Follow these steps to start using RevealCam
Install RevealCam on your iOS device
Find the name of your Reveal server
Update RevealCam settings
Reveal numbers clips and groups of clips sequentially starting from 0 (zero). In the Reveal Football APP, clip number does not start until the “Game State” is changed from “Pre-Game to “QTR 1”. Game State can be changed in the Reveal REC app and the Reveal Football app.
How to change Game State in Reveal REC
Reveal has a Folder Watcher for video capture devices that record directly to the computer. Any time a new video file is saved into the watched folder Reveal will instantly process it. Subdirectories within the watched folder are used as the camera name. For example, if your watch folder is
and your have a subdirectory
any video files that go into this directory will be labeled as cam1.
How to setup the Folder Watcher
Open the Settings Window
Select the folder to watch and Enable the Folder Watcher. Be sure to click the Watch Folder button to activate.
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