The video below is from the Towson University men’s lacrosse team at their recent practice in Johnny Unitas Stadium. Using Reveal Sideline Replay the Towson coaching staff was able to instantly show players what just happened on the field.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, being able to show your players video of what they just did is an invaluable coaching tool. As you see in the video, Towson coaches are able to take a deep dive explaining multiple facets of specific game situations on the field while the action is still fresh in everyone’s mind. The benefits for the players and team are immediate.
- Communication is clear and unambiguous when everyone sees the same thing.
- Coaches can efficiently teach at a higher level.
- Improved player confidence and higher sports IQ.
Want to learn more about how your team can benefit from using immediate video feedback? Reach us here or email info@insightreplay.com