Like you, we are continuously working to get better. Last fall we listened to feedback from football teams across the country then set out to make Reveal the best sideline replay system you can get.
Reveal Sideline Replay has been updated from top to bottom. For 2016 it is faster and easier than ever. Your film crew will appreciate the quick setup, ease of operation, and little or no need for extra staff.
We are also proud to annouce the relase of our new iPad App Reveal Football. The Reveal Football App will significantly improve the speed and efficiency for coaches in the press box and on the sideline. Here’s a list of some of the new features:
- Football specific tags: ODK, DOWN, DISTANCE, YARD LINE, PLAY, QTR
- Instant filtering
- Smooth scrubbing and slow motion playback
- Full-screen playback on external monitors
- Download clips to the iPad
- Automatically pair / intercut WIDE and EZ clips of the same play
- Set tags clips while filming
Here’s a short video that highlights some of the features of the Reveal Football iPad app.
Reveal Sideline Replay – Reveal Football iPad App from Graham Clarke on Vimeo.
Reveal Football iPad app instant filtering.